Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Whatever Happened To Cytheria

GAMBLOCCATO THE FIELD San Zeno GOLFIl City Council rejected the draft Lumini

Good news from Veneto . The city council of San Zeno di Montagna the golf ball of Lumini . GAM decisione.Il warmly welcomes this project, as we reported, endangered two species floristiche.Ecco article from The Arena.

San Zeno di Montagna ( in the photo). City Council convened an emergency. The minority empty seat and the majority rejects the projects approved by the previous administration, led by the directors now in opposition.
The absence of the entire minority group appeared a clear sign of dissent on the deliberations under consideration. Former Deputy Mayor Pierre Schena no representation. And within an hour, the new administration has returned to the sender in the region, with comments on plan Baldo-Garda area, the design of golf Lumini ; asked to drop the new road planned by the Plan area, which would reach from Rivoli towers rising from Caprino, Costermano and San Zeno, also asked to be included in the plan area, "the renewal of the lifts-Costabella Prada." And as a final blow, he rejected the implementation of development plan for building expansion Perare location (behind the sports field), approved by the previous municipal council, which comprises the construction of 70-80 apartments for about 18 thousand cubic meters.
"With at least 120 new residents alleged, amounted to 10 percent of the population of San Zeno, "the mayor said Graziella Finotti. A housing boom that has dragged on since last year for which the company has resorted to lottizzante Tar, which has ordered 30 June GIVEN Administration approval or otherwise of the SPS within 30 days. Hence the urgency in convening the Council. During the deliberations
figure the details of the failure to adopt the development plan. "The urbanization area is scarce and there are serious difficulties in accessing ... area in part on public property and partially on private property of third parties not participating in the plan attuattivo .... " "With the decision of 25 March 2009, the junta adopted the urban plan implementation, with a pattern of agreement that committed individuals to assume the execution of works outside the area of \u200b\u200bhousing development, consisting of enlargement of the access road, construction of sidewalks ...».
The report continues: "Shortly before the adoption of Pua, the third party who would cede some of the areas necessary for the 'access, announced that he had not agreed on any assignment with lottizzanti. Also June 17, 2009, the Environmental Heritage Service, has highlighted critical "to" high landscape value .... "
"In March 2010, the resolution continues," the company lottizzante presented an act with which they undertook to carry out infrastructure works outside the scope, but did not provide proof that you have the availability of legal areas that had to be made to the access road ... in December 2009, lottizzanti have asked the administration to submit to the vote of the City Council pua , the administration announced that the plan could not be approved without compliance with the weather ... the council so the owners have appealed to the TAR, asking the court ordered the municipality to decide on the location of Perare Pua. " The Regional Administrative Court on June 30 asked the town to vote.
City Council has responded to believe that the plan can not be approved and invited the Giunta comunale to be sussistano Profili di verificare nel illegittimità provvedimento adozione del Piano di attuativo.


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