Ecco un'altra ottima notizia tratta da La Repubblica del 23 Ottobre 2009 ("La profezia della NASA: 'i mari più alti di 7 metri'" di Antonio Cianciullo):
È chiamato il "padre del riscaldamento climatico". E in effetti finora James Hansen, 68 anni di cui 28 spesi alla guida del Goddard Institute for Space Studies della Nasa, le ha indovinate tutte. In 1981 he wrote that the next decade would mark a peak of heat and the prediction came true. Then, early nineties, said that the first decade of the new century would beat the previous record and once again gave him the facts right. We hope now that he's wrong because it is a nightmare scenario that draws: an increase in sea levels by seven meters at the end of the century.
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