Monday, December 7, 2009

Braces Free On The Nhs At 17

Venice underwater

"Between now and 2100, Maldives goodbye. But also goodbye to a beautiful piece of Manhattan, a large part of London, Hong Kong, more than half Bangladesh. And of course Venice. all destined to end up under water, con buona parte delle coste di tutto il mondo, per un innalzamento generale del livello dei mari di quasi un metro e mezzo. È una previsione molto più pessimistica di quella ufficiale, formulata dall'Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, la commissione Onu sull'effetto serra, che si era fermata a meno della metà: 59 centimetri di innalzamento per fine secolo. Nello studio - Il cambio climatico in Antartide e l'ambiente - redatto da nove scienziati (fra cui l'italiano Guido Di Prisco), con il contributo di oltre 100 ricercatori, per conto del Comitato Scientifico Internazionale per la Ricerca Antartica, invece, si sostiene che i mari si alzeranno, di almeno 1,4 metri. Non si tratta di scienziati contro scienziati. Le previsioni dell'Ipcc, in fact, did not take into account the possible contribution of melting ice at the South Pole in raising seas. It does not take account for good reason: the frozen South Pole, on the whole, not breaking up. But the new study, called the first comprehensive report on the climate of Antarctica, solves this mystery, clearing the field by one of the favorite arguments of the skeptics of global warming, and warns that except Antarctica is destined to end very soon, with a devastating impact on the coasts and human health " (" It dissolves the South Pole, farewell Maldives in 100 years "by Maurizio Ricci, La Repubblica, December 7, 2009).

This is one of the inlets of the Venetian lagoon, where it is building the MOSE, the system of mobile barriers that should protect Venice from high. And 'huge and very expensive work, which you can get all the details by visiting SAL.VE .
Beyond real debate on the effectiveness of the work will be completed effectively, the news reported on totally puts into question the usefulness of quersto intervention, if not put in place other initiatives and actions, even daily, to reduce CO2 emissions. The new study claims that the seas will rise to five feet or less. The mobile barriers will raise sea level one meter. Already this is enough to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe futility of certain projects that seek only to reverse the damage caused by misguided economic policies of global and local. Not only Moses but the same islands of the coast, you see in the picture and that protect the lagoon from the Adriatic Sea will be completely submerged!

Monday, November 2, 2009

Is It Common For Scorpio Men To Lie?

All queued

Journey from Milan to Venice via Bologna Friday, October 30, 2009, starting at about eight thirty in the morning. Expected fog, but there is no or very high: the visibility is good. There is regular traffic but on the scoreboards have already announced the union code at times of Bologna. Modena after the highway is a quattro corsie ma il traffico non migliora, anzi le corsie sono quasi tutte occupate. Paradossalmente sono spesso più libere le prime due, la terza e la quarta quasi mai.

Dopo il bivio per Ancona e Padova faccio benzina, quando riparto c'è già la coda. Ho già fatto questo viaggio varie volte e decido di uscire per prendere la tangenziale che fiancheggia l'autostrada. Buona idea: qualche codina a tratti anche in tangenziale ma alla mia sinistra, sul raccordo a tre corsie per Padova e Ancona, sono tutti fermi. Rientro sulla Bologna-Padova e il traffico è scarso, ma nella carreggiata opposta verso Bologna sono tutti fermi in coda, una coda che continua per più di dieci Km.

Le quattro corsie the Modena-Bologna and three lanes of the connector Bologna-Ancona were completed recently and are always clogged. There were no accidents, was only the funnel effect of traffic on a weekday morning all. Now I ask myself this: what will happen in the coming years? It will create a fifth lane on the Modena-Bologna? And a fourth on the fitting bolognese? and you will make a third lane on the Bologna-Padua, at least on the final stretch? And then, in subsequent years? We must go to six lanes on the MO-BO? five on the ring? four on the PD-BO? and so on?

I remember reading about The Republic of October 16, 2009, in an article by Vincent Foti ("Transport merci su rotaia, in Italia è in via di estinzione") che in "Italia appena il 9,9% dei prodotti viene caricato sui treni contro l'11,8% dell'Inghilterra, il 15,7% della Francia e il 21,4% della Germania. In Europa la media si aggira intorno al 17% [...] Mentre la quantità di merce movimentata sui binari sfiora a fatica il 10%, quella trasportata sui camion - che si avventura su autostrade tipo l'A3 Salerno-Reggio Calabria - supera il 60% (Conto nazionale dei Trasporti 2009). Stando invece allo studio di Eurostat i tir vincono addirittura al 90% [...] In Italia non si è fatto e non si fa nulla [...] La Francia ha invece intenzione di investire sulle merci per ferrovia, tanto che alcuni treni Tgv sono stati appositamente used to ensure the same food travels fast and efficient. For us the ministry of Transport has delegated everything to the railway, where freight trains, however, represent a black hole [...]".

Last night, Sunday, November 1, 2009, RaiTre in the transmission is Report been given a complete picture of the overall situation in the freight and the commuter. Now it is quite clear that only by investing in freight and regional transport for commuters, making them both safer, more efficient, more convenient and more comfortable, you can reduce road traffic which is already a huge problem, but also intended to get worse over time, con tutti i problemi economici ed ecologici che questo comporta.

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Good Saying For Facebook Picniks

The survival of the planet has the number 350

Ecco un'iniziativa fondamentale (il testo è tratto da Europaquotidiano ):
"Oggi, sabato 24 ottobre, centinaia di migliaia di persone in tutto il mondo manifestano per chiedere la riduzione delle emissioni di anidride carbonica sul pianeta. Lo fanno partecipando a gare ciclistiche, dibattiti, scalate in montagna, conferenze, partite di calcio, baseball e pallacanestro, lanci collettivi in bunjee jumping, concerti e altre iniziative di ogni genere (3.422 in 176 paesi nei cinque continenti) che hanno in comune un numero, il 350, e l’obiettivo di sensibilizzare l’opinione pubblica e fare pressione sulle autorità because of the deal finally problema.350 represents a fundamental relationship to life on our planet, the one between the molecules of carbon dioxide (CO2) per million of all other molecules in our atmosfera.Se the amount of CO2 was stopped at 350 parts per million life on Earth is still safe, but are years that the balance is blown and carbon dioxide has exceeded 390.Gli effects of change are visible and growing, yet few governments seem to understand that it is time to run for cover, making the environmental issue the center of their long-term policy initiative. "350 has become a mantra to be recited just before falling asleep and awake," they say gli attivisti della sede centrale di a Berkeley, California, capitale del movimento ecologista e polo organizzativo dell’International Day of Climate Action. Quasi tutti giovanissimi e decisi a cambiare le cose diffondendo innanzitutto informazioni scientificamente fondate al maggior numero possibile di cittadini".

Friday, October 23, 2009

What Medicines Make You Swell

Rising seas

Ecco un'altra ottima notizia tratta da La Repubblica del 23 Ottobre 2009 ("La profezia della NASA: 'i mari più alti di 7 metri'" di Antonio Cianciullo):
È chiamato il "padre del riscaldamento climatico". E in effetti finora James Hansen, 68 anni di cui 28 spesi alla guida del Goddard Institute for Space Studies della Nasa, le ha indovinate tutte. In 1981 he wrote that the next decade would mark a peak of heat and the prediction came true. Then, early nineties, said that the first decade of the new century would beat the previous record and once again gave him the facts right. We hope now that he's wrong because it is a nightmare scenario that draws: an increase in sea levels by seven meters at the end of the century.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Wrestling Singlet Design

The disappearance of the North Pole

"After 73 days of work over the frozen North Pole, during which they were walking routes 435 km and collected 6000 data, the projections on the future of the polar cap is somewhat startling: within 20 years, during the summer, will be totally free of ice. But even in ten years summer ice will be significantly reduced. These conclusions reached by researchers at the Catlin Arctic Survey, which in March undertook the scientific adventure to the North Pole "(" North Pole is closer to the end "by Louis Bignami, La Repubblica, October 16, 2009).
Great news, right?

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Poptropica Cretet Maker

Protection of the Italian landscape

"Green light for new concrete casting on the coast of Sardinia. Under attack the band of 300 meters from the sea. At least for the possible expansion of hotels, apartments and tourist facilities (up to 25% of the existing volumes). According to the center-left and environmentalists, the turnaround is a first, devastating blow to the law salvacoste launched in 2004 by former governor Renato Soru. To give the green light was the regional council. The text on construction, which to some extent the plan begins to bring home the national-wide island, was approved yesterday morning, the 39 to 20, those opposed, 1 abstention. He voted yes the full deployment of the center that supports the president, Hugo Cappellacci, at the time strongly backed by Silvio Berlusconi as a candidate for leadership of the junta in Sardinia. "(" Back to the cement on the Sardinian coast "of Piergiorgio Pinna, The Republic , October 17, 2009).
was not predictable?

Saturday, February 21, 2009

Pasword Pokemon Shapir

The number 17 and the PD (I would change the area)

Rome, February 21 (Adnkronos) - The 17 and 'a number of the applicant in recent political history of the center. Today, Dario Franceschini, and 'was elected secretary of the Democratic Party until the next party congress, to 17.17. In both his experience at the helm of government in 1996 and 2006, Romano Prodi was sworn in by the President of the Republic on 17 May. And in the first government headed by the Professor, there were 17 ministers. In 1995, Lamberto Dini has also vowed to be prime minister at the Quirinal Palace on 17.

Thursday, February 19, 2009

Best Lineart Program Mac

Quiet Chaos

Turton: finished! With or without the Ciminiana component is now out of the game, and will not be with her Messina 4.5% to recover. Oops! I said 4.5%, that Messina will not have representatives in the City Council. Marinello early (between 4 years) will return to its activities of dental practitioners and the PDL of Sciacca or organizes or the end of the candle!

Turkish: Illusionist! is the only campaign ad 's MPA using it only for propaganda, to remember that there is. His is a party whose representatives are not Ribera or even have connections with Memphis, let alone the power to decide. A local party following his leader Rod Agrigento, can never be autonomous in the choices of your own home.

Fabrizio Di Paola: Worn! Too many failures have become worn and the way they do politically. Now aware that high politics is only a dream, finds himself with all lenses in smoke and the only thing I want is just the wrong (political) who he believes betrayed him. It seems he does not care to win the elections but just annoying. Envy eats away!

Vito Bono: Give me time about you because, he said V. Bono in Turton! Dumb dumb, four four, with the silence gets more than others! It 's definitely an unknown, not only for its position as an independent left-wing opponent, but for the fact that keeping away from the logic of bars, accumulating consensus and support lists. Honestly I have for everyone, but if he does not speak do not know what to say!

The UDC:? Ambrosetti says that the UDC is Mannino, and there may be. Also because if F. Di Paola continues to serve as chair of the board side by side in Turton, Mannino certainly will not be to explain the two different positions. This party is really the great unknown, not only for the silence Vito Bono style, but more importantly, why is that centrist party that in many cases proves to be decisive to win (See Sardinia).

Pd: Bo! And who understands us anything! Only has nowhere to go ... Allies for his candidate of the flag is not even to pay them ... or go with the UDC or should invent something that even the imagination could ever think.

The civic lists: Caution! The 5% is not a problem to be underestimated!