Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Heart Palpitations Pain Shoulder Blade

Thursday, October 14, 2010 13:00 SIT-IN: STOP THE NEW BILLS Balzella reclamation services

[FAPT] SIT-IN: STOP THE NEW BILLS Balzella reclamation services (ATO3 Tuscany)

STOP to the new heavy tax bills Publiacqua SpA Thursday, October 14, 2010 13.00 - 15.30 in Florence at Teatro Saschall - Lungarno Aldo Moro
(F.te the RAI Toscana)
Sit - in to say no to new heavy tax bills of reclamation services
Just SpA - Out of multinationals and financial potentates
by water management

a new audience for participatory and democratic, with its letter the Board dell'ATO3 of 7 Oct. ca, intimate to the manager to stay with the new method of collecting the advance provision in the bill for over 200,000 users, but Manager goes right on his way,

operation of the operator which will produce a bill in burden estimated at between 44 and 88 Euro per family

Series: "I know '... I and you are not a Czzo"

Toscano Movements Forum for Water Middle Valdarno
PS: at the Teatro Saschall President and CEO of reclamation services have called all employees to discuss its future business scenarios
also planned a sit-in to the work of members of Cobas Publiacqua USB and fighting for the renewal of the National Labor expired for more than nine months and to say no to new sales branches' business - new businesses do - casting ect. Direct Link
news: http://www.acquabenec ...


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