Monday, October 25, 2010

Diagram Of Connection Of Ps3 To The Tv

SardegnaSOSPESO PROJECT MARMILLAsvaniscono into thin air Liguria villas and golf

society: too many obstacles in
Golf Marmilla
the project goes into the hole

by the newspaper L'Unione Sarda Thursday, October 14, 2010
"In consequence of the historical moment of crisis that the world economy is we intend to stay through the implementation of the project and thus stop any further expenditure. " Lenferna Christian De La Motte, CEO of Monte Concali Spa, in a letter to the mayors of Collinas, Lunamatrona Villanovaforru and six hundred and landowners, shatters the hopes of tourism development Marmilla. Vanishes into thin air the project that was supposed to arrive in the rough hills Marmillan golf enthusiasts from around the world. In fact, the international consortium, led by Irish financier Thomas Kaine and former CEO of Fiat Piero Fresh, had planned to build a large tourist resort with two golf courses associated with thirty-six holes each, services luxury club house, beauty farms and hundreds of houses in the area of \u200b\u200bSa Corona Arrubia. When the fall of 2005 was presented the project said that the funds were there, it was only to acquire land, and in fact had already reached an agreement in principle with the six hundred owners for land acquisition. The municipalities of Collinas, Lunamatrona Villanovaforru and hoped for a miracle, but now it is certain that we must say goodbye to golf. "With great sadness we learned of the decision of Monte Concali. The project would solve many problems in our area, "says Mayor Frank Cannas Collinas, for Saturday at 18, on the premises of Mount Granat, convened the population to inform them of the decision of Irish society. That something is not right for the right to local administrators had sensed for some time. Concerned that still had not been put on paper the stipulation for the land purchase. And moreover, in recent days the leadership of the Monte Concali, with operational headquarters in Constitution Square in Villanovaforru, cleared staff of technicians. "In the project we believe. We have done everything to benefit the society. We are committed in the first person to get all the procedures necessary for the Strategic Environmental Assessment, "adds Mayor Collinas. The hope now is that the project is "frozen" waiting for better times. But nobody is willing to believe it.


Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Heart Palpitations Pain Shoulder Blade

Thursday, October 14, 2010 13:00 SIT-IN: STOP THE NEW BILLS Balzella reclamation services

[FAPT] SIT-IN: STOP THE NEW BILLS Balzella reclamation services (ATO3 Tuscany)

STOP to the new heavy tax bills Publiacqua SpA Thursday, October 14, 2010 13.00 - 15.30 in Florence at Teatro Saschall - Lungarno Aldo Moro
(F.te the RAI Toscana)
Sit - in to say no to new heavy tax bills of reclamation services
Just SpA - Out of multinationals and financial potentates
by water management

a new audience for participatory and democratic, with its letter the Board dell'ATO3 of 7 Oct. ca, intimate to the manager to stay with the new method of collecting the advance provision in the bill for over 200,000 users, but Manager goes right on his way,

operation of the operator which will produce a bill in burden estimated at between 44 and 88 Euro per family

Series: "I know '... I and you are not a Czzo"

Toscano Movements Forum for Water Middle Valdarno
PS: at the Teatro Saschall President and CEO of reclamation services have called all employees to discuss its future business scenarios
also planned a sit-in to the work of members of Cobas Publiacqua USB and fighting for the renewal of the National Labor expired for more than nine months and to say no to new sales branches' business - new businesses do - casting ect. Direct Link
news: http://www.acquabenec ...

Tuesday, October 12, 2010

Par For Golf Wallpaper Border

Wednesday, October 13, 2010 16:00 to 19:00 - Public Lecture: "WATER, THE 'BLUE GOLD"

Public Lecture: " WATER, THE 'BLUE GOLD "

When: Wednesday October 13, 2010 16:00 to 19:00
Where: Provincia di Prato Via Ricasoli (Palazzo-Banci Buonamici)

The public lecture " Water - The Gold Blue" focuses on the theme of ' water, the main resource of the earth, the source of life and prosperity. Yet with recent climate change aquifers are at serious risk of reducing .

That must be why some time the water has become a subject of interest to entrepreneurs and speculators, ready to manage a private-logic a resource that should be accessible to all . This led to the referendum committee also "Water common good", which in Italy has raised more than a million signatures to demand to keep the public management of water resources.

The conference speakers include: Beltrame
Alessio, deputy in charge of the Province of Prato
Fabio Fabbri, spokesman for the common good of the Water Committee and
Prato Federico Gasperini, chairman of the Water Environment League Tuscany.

During the day, will be distributed for free booklet "Energy saving" quick guide for the proper use of energy resources in everyday life.