El golf, praise de la Razón de-capitalist Burgues depredación parasitic
Melanie Belanger
«(...) reality emerges in the spectacle, and spectacle is real. This reciprocal alienation is the essence and the support of the existing society (...) the show is nothing more than the total practical sense of a socio-economic formation, its use of time. (...) Is the present model of socially dominant life. It is the omnipresent affirmation of the choice already made in production and its corollary consumption (...) In the show, the image of the prevailing economy, the end does not exist, development is all "(Guy Debord, The Society of the Spectacle , 1967)
Ah, golf ...
If only people knew better what it really is!
It might be good to start showing what the golf at the very heart of the Empire, but from a political perspective and a deeply critical look, how it offers an irreverent, militant anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist, comedian George Carlin on this Case: .
It might be good to start showing what the golf at the very heart of the Empire, but from a political perspective and a deeply critical look, how it offers an irreverent, militant anti-capitalist and anti-imperialist, comedian George Carlin on this Case: .
In this fabulous monologue, Carlin demonstrates that the area environmentally and socially in the U.S. lost because of this activity which he describes as "elitist, liberal bourgeois self-centered and arrogant, useless, destructive and boring", corresponds to the size of 3 states in this country (twice the Delaware and Rhode Island once, or more than one million hectares). Mentioned in this space and the resources invested in it futilely, it could accommodate all the people currently living on the streets of the U.S. ...
In terms of general literature, a very brief foray into the web allows us to verify the extent and strength of social movements that denounce the golf, especially for socio-environmental 1.
In terms of general literature, a very brief foray into the web allows us to verify the extent and strength of social movements that denounce the golf, especially for socio-environmental 1.
However, the promoters of golf, not to cease to be fashionable, they say, "Well, okay, but ... It is possible to make golf clubs that are''sustainable''! "(Especially if they''pay''environmental impact studies, right ?...). Of course, this is the wave''now'': they disfranza green, consciences are soothed, y. .. is still doing the same. We are in this era in which the so-called''sustainable development''(or sustainable) has become a new workhorse of capitalism. And that horse! There is everything, and everything now is sustainable (but, what is sustaining or maintaining, exactly?). Not only are there golf courses'' sustainable,''but there are also cars sustainable. Yeah, no kidding, the automakers and oil companies have adopted an advertising strategy, marketing "green" vicious and very serious. A test, a famous Japanese company that manufactures vehicles recently pulled an advertisement that says "Do your part for the Earth, reaching a new XXX, eco-energy because every gesture counts," and the birds sing and the trees, passing ecológico''''self-tremble with the wind, and people in the ad is sooo happy ... Sure, they have every reason to be pregnant, have bought a car that not only allows them to preserve their way of life destroyer without any qualms of conscience at the alarming global tragedy of climate change, but, in doing so, are saving the planet! What cute, no?
Yes ladies and gentlemen, today, everything is''sustainable''or sustainable. Not only golfs, oil and automobiles, but also the microwaves, the barbies, stuffed animals, and soon, suddenly, will some bloomers sustainable. Maybe tell us then, there, the label inside the clothes is biodegradable, and many applaud and will run to buy it at once. This case, and facelift''green''(greenwashing) is a force lurking every day but and powerful. How could it be otherwise? It is so lucrative! And people swallow the story: the deception is enormous. Not because the responsible consumption - in ecological and social - is not valid any. Of course, valid. What is being reported here, however, is something else: the pernicious logic of the capitalist system that allows re-condition the people to remain on the surface, an instrumental and mechanical and does not reflect much less acting, or little, about the root causes - systemic and structural - of the problem. That would be radical (Jose Marti used to say, would "go to the root of things "), critic, and even dangerously revolutionary. But obviously, what can be expected of societies''cast''more than a century and a half by the hegemonic culture of capitalism and the sacred belief in progress''Western'' 2 ? For this reason, I think we have faith and at the same time ensuring that this evil capitalist phenomenon take root in those countries of''Our America''who enroll and, happily, in socialist revolutionary process, right?
I return to the golf courses. Of course, there are some other strategies for the golf courses are a little less polluting and destructive strictly ecological level 3 . However, the lobby of golf in Northern countries great efforts to''Greening''the face of this hobby. I say hobby (or hobbies), because as George Carlin, I do not think you can qualify for''sport''to this aberration of entertainment, which some people, arrogant most of the higher social classes and very high or vacuuming (means) to form parts of them, cortical strut on a program, and abnormally arregladita perfect, and again hit a ball reach ridiculous and motor vehicles, accompanied by their followers and servants'''' (Caddies) they collected and washed them the equipment, then take them a drink at the luxurious Club - private, exclusive membership and expensive, of course - where they seize the moment to do business''.'' So proud, how well says Carlin, is the hobby in terms of space needed for your practice! These huge land (measuring hundreds of acres each) represent an enormous loss of potential arable land, forests or existing or potential, or simply places where many people could live. That is not only unbelievable, but it also happens to be deeply nasty in these times of severe environmental and socio-economic we live around the globe. But not all ...
golf clubs, because of the forest cover lean left or contain, contribute to soil erosion - which often are of good quality and, as mentioned above, could be used productively efficient and positive and communities. These clubs are spending enormous amounts of water - because a single swallows golf equivalent daily water consumption for 6000 people - so they create a pressure on the aquifers monstrous
Yes ladies and gentlemen, today, everything is''sustainable''or sustainable. Not only golfs, oil and automobiles, but also the microwaves, the barbies, stuffed animals, and soon, suddenly, will some bloomers sustainable. Maybe tell us then, there, the label inside the clothes is biodegradable, and many applaud and will run to buy it at once. This case, and facelift''green''(greenwashing) is a force lurking every day but and powerful. How could it be otherwise? It is so lucrative! And people swallow the story: the deception is enormous. Not because the responsible consumption - in ecological and social - is not valid any. Of course, valid. What is being reported here, however, is something else: the pernicious logic of the capitalist system that allows re-condition the people to remain on the surface, an instrumental and mechanical and does not reflect much less acting, or little, about the root causes - systemic and structural - of the problem. That would be radical (Jose Marti used to say, would "go to the root of things "), critic, and even dangerously revolutionary. But obviously, what can be expected of societies''cast''more than a century and a half by the hegemonic culture of capitalism and the sacred belief in progress''Western'' 2 ? For this reason, I think we have faith and at the same time ensuring that this evil capitalist phenomenon take root in those countries of''Our America''who enroll and, happily, in socialist revolutionary process, right?
I return to the golf courses. Of course, there are some other strategies for the golf courses are a little less polluting and destructive strictly ecological level 3 . However, the lobby of golf in Northern countries great efforts to''Greening''the face of this hobby. I say hobby (or hobbies), because as George Carlin, I do not think you can qualify for''sport''to this aberration of entertainment, which some people, arrogant most of the higher social classes and very high or vacuuming (means) to form parts of them, cortical strut on a program, and abnormally arregladita perfect, and again hit a ball reach ridiculous and motor vehicles, accompanied by their followers and servants'''' (Caddies) they collected and washed them the equipment, then take them a drink at the luxurious Club - private, exclusive membership and expensive, of course - where they seize the moment to do business''.'' So proud, how well says Carlin, is the hobby in terms of space needed for your practice! These huge land (measuring hundreds of acres each) represent an enormous loss of potential arable land, forests or existing or potential, or simply places where many people could live. That is not only unbelievable, but it also happens to be deeply nasty in these times of severe environmental and socio-economic we live around the globe. But not all ...
golf clubs, because of the forest cover lean left or contain, contribute to soil erosion - which often are of good quality and, as mentioned above, could be used productively efficient and positive and communities. These clubs are spending enormous amounts of water - because a single swallows golf equivalent daily water consumption for 6000 people - so they create a pressure on the aquifers monstrous
4 . Moreover, this erosion is accompanied by a broad use, indiscriminate and highly polluting large amounts of pesticides and synthetic fertilizers. However, if the North is from a few years ago, to limit those damages of erosion and pollution (but never succeeded in eliminating, because the design and the essence of this land itself permitting), the disaster caused by these projects in the so-called South is even more significant, for several reasons. First, because the environmental laws that are there are often even more disrespected by the capitalists (local or transnational) that the''North''- and that impunity and injustice are global socio-ecological, but are being sharper in the South''.'' Second, because golf courses are only accessible to local elites and wealthy foreign tourists. Consequently, a golf club in the South equals:
1) the destruction, sometimes brutal, sensitive ecosystems and unrecoverable. For example, tropical forests are often cut to create these golf courses, contributing to severe deforestation phenomenon and leads to irreversible loss of biodiversity (among them, endemic species) and the delicate fertility tropical soils. Here, deprived of adequate vegetation, erode and eventually become sterile. Often located in the vicinity of the sea, golf courses also carry, often, destruction of vital mangroves as well as the fatal bleaching of coral reefs (these two ecosystems coexist in a symbiotic relationship and are both threatened by climate change and existing marine pollution). So that these reefs are dying slowly because of the percolation and the trickle of water contaminated with high concentrations of pesticides and synthetic nitrogen fertilizers, and sediment (drag) towards the costs (*). However, corals, once dead, can not be resurrected as Jesus did with Lazarus, and not like some capitalist bank bankruptcy. And this, in purely economic level, it is irrational and non-profitable, because the reefs are often in these tropical regions, a major source of revenue for the sector (eco) tourism that exploits (snorkeling, diving, etc. .) Which brings me to the second effect more ...
2) degradation of human life. Why? For something very simple, however, many promoters inescrupolosos or some ignorant technocrats (sometimes concerned) are forgotten. This is the fact that maintenance and health of ecosystems are closely linked to the quality and the possibilities of life and to human health. In this regard, golf clubs provide very little in the immediate, medium and long term, the balance is extremely negative. Contribute to the destruction of certain subsistence activities which the rich and diverse ecosystems threatened by the golf media represent how the fishing, and ecotourism. To over-exploitation of aquifers, is generating serious shortages of water for local populations. I repeat: we have to consider further that, in most cases, that environmental crime does not even work to produce and / or warrant (short term at least) food for a substantial part of local populations, or that they have a decent place to live. Then a little considered factor, although extremely important, socio-economic damage that result in golf clubs. In addition, many times they are accompanied by real estate projects (real estate) for multi-millionaires rich semi-Western residents, many of them retirees, who also contribute to the destruction and environmental pollution in different ways, including:
I) for his excessive consumption of resources - especially water! - As well as foreign or local products-wrapped and the subsequent disposal of these unnecessary wrappers (ie, toxic waste), often shot in open dumps as there were no suitable local The infrastructures reassess these materials; II) by the improper disposal of sewage generated by these settlements - often directly on the sea, or else through pipes and rudimentary and inefficient plants. On top of that, where you install these exclusive communities'',''will not only create or accentuate certain environmental, economic, or human health (and costs the same for local people and public systems - if any ) related to waste and pollution they cause, but also social tensions. For what reason? Just because
creation of a system of economic exploitation of neocolonial type, in which serve local populations''masters''some''Northern''fortunate enough low-paid jobs (ie, after the boom initial construction, are the maintenance and cleaning). So that the''local''will become engrossed, day by day, in a situation in which they feel they have control over their work (they say "I have no '), not on your life or your destination. In addition, they launched their reality to face, daily, the injustice of their condition, they often end equated with not having the same economic opportunities that they enjoy their''masters''(which is normal but wrong as the lifestyle of these''masters''is absolutely undesirable for humanity to be non-viable). That breeds despair, frustration considerable, and how all kinds of attitudes and unethical behavior as''live''be the (opportunism), the''scam'', envy, individualism, prostitution and sex character, the desire for power and wealth, tended to exacerbate competition, etc. Many fall. In short, damaged the socio-community, which is compounded if these elitist enclaves cause loss to some of the''bread'', as often occurs with irreversible damage to the fishing (or ecotourism) in coastal areas.
socio-cultural level, it turns out, then all of a symbolic violence (Bourdieu) absolute. The implementation of these golf clubs helps to nothing less than the acculturation of local pro-Western capitalist cultural hegemony (Gramsci), ie the projected value system here involves the "consent of the oppressed themselves" (Poulantzas). Loss of sense, colonization of the imaginary transformation of the social fabric disastrous. In some regions, entire indigenous territories are sacrificed on the altar of this pastime individualistic, megalomaniac, toxic and destructive, people indecendemente opulent - mostly Europeans''and''Caucasian Americans. Golf, cultural and ideological level, is therefore one of the most faithful reflection of economic and genocidal culture of consumption and waste of capitalism arrogant dominant in the world is the expression par excellence of bourgeois-capitalist reason parasitic predation. In short, the creation of golf clubs in the South has its directly political side, because many times these projects are implemented desabilitación''territorial''by rampant corruption and bribery of local authorities, by of powerful and wealthy foreign investors allied with a local elite anti-patriotic emaciated and rotten to its core.
To illustrate the effects of golf in the South, I invite those interested to read about the serious controversy around a nefarious plan to build a field with dozens of condos for wealthy retirees Statians states in the province of Bocas del Toro in Panama, in the heart of the Marine National Park Buffer Bastimentos (Articulated currently threatened Amistad International Park, declared Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site by UNESCO). Panama, a country to which the territory has been literally sold, piece by piece, over the past 10 years, foreign capital ... Behind this project promoted by North American investors,''disguised as''sustainable development, was strongly suspected the hand of the IDB (IDB), under the no less infamous Puebla-Panama plan 5.
Anyway, I hope that someday these abominations have disappeared socio-ecological, economic, political and cultural activities are golf clubs. Meanwhile, we must ask once again: what legacy we leave our children and grandchildren, large tracts of barren land and gold and plastic trofeitos as Balita, or how healthy ecosystems and healthy societies more fair?
PS A little story, just passing ... A few years ago, lived in a mountainous region (of Quebec), and sometimes in the morning, I used to walk past a large golf club had there. Surreal and frightening vision while he was at this time was that of a worker dressed head to toe with white sacks of style 'diving',''that''sprayed with highly toxic pesticides greens (which only owe their name to the color green have obtained completely artificial as well). Since then, I thought of these poor rich people'',''naive, who, dressed in their jackets poles and quick-dry pants $ 300, were, barely two hours later, to trample on that ground poisoned, laugh and take a deep breath, pick up his ball from the ground over and over again, two swings after eating a donut with their hands covered (without knowing it) chemical ... It was (and still is) deeply and tragically absurd things. In fact, with regard to health, there are several diseases for which there is convincing scientific evidence and are caused by the use of derivatives of fluorine (among many other substances) on the grounds of golf
1) the destruction, sometimes brutal, sensitive ecosystems and unrecoverable. For example, tropical forests are often cut to create these golf courses, contributing to severe deforestation phenomenon and leads to irreversible loss of biodiversity (among them, endemic species) and the delicate fertility tropical soils. Here, deprived of adequate vegetation, erode and eventually become sterile. Often located in the vicinity of the sea, golf courses also carry, often, destruction of vital mangroves as well as the fatal bleaching of coral reefs (these two ecosystems coexist in a symbiotic relationship and are both threatened by climate change and existing marine pollution). So that these reefs are dying slowly because of the percolation and the trickle of water contaminated with high concentrations of pesticides and synthetic nitrogen fertilizers, and sediment (drag) towards the costs (*). However, corals, once dead, can not be resurrected as Jesus did with Lazarus, and not like some capitalist bank bankruptcy. And this, in purely economic level, it is irrational and non-profitable, because the reefs are often in these tropical regions, a major source of revenue for the sector (eco) tourism that exploits (snorkeling, diving, etc. .) Which brings me to the second effect more ...
2) degradation of human life. Why? For something very simple, however, many promoters inescrupolosos or some ignorant technocrats (sometimes concerned) are forgotten. This is the fact that maintenance and health of ecosystems are closely linked to the quality and the possibilities of life and to human health. In this regard, golf clubs provide very little in the immediate, medium and long term, the balance is extremely negative. Contribute to the destruction of certain subsistence activities which the rich and diverse ecosystems threatened by the golf media represent how the fishing, and ecotourism. To over-exploitation of aquifers, is generating serious shortages of water for local populations. I repeat: we have to consider further that, in most cases, that environmental crime does not even work to produce and / or warrant (short term at least) food for a substantial part of local populations, or that they have a decent place to live. Then a little considered factor, although extremely important, socio-economic damage that result in golf clubs. In addition, many times they are accompanied by real estate projects (real estate) for multi-millionaires rich semi-Western residents, many of them retirees, who also contribute to the destruction and environmental pollution in different ways, including:
I) for his excessive consumption of resources - especially water! - As well as foreign or local products-wrapped and the subsequent disposal of these unnecessary wrappers (ie, toxic waste), often shot in open dumps as there were no suitable local The infrastructures reassess these materials; II) by the improper disposal of sewage generated by these settlements - often directly on the sea, or else through pipes and rudimentary and inefficient plants. On top of that, where you install these exclusive communities'',''will not only create or accentuate certain environmental, economic, or human health (and costs the same for local people and public systems - if any ) related to waste and pollution they cause, but also social tensions. For what reason? Just because
creation of a system of economic exploitation of neocolonial type, in which serve local populations''masters''some''Northern''fortunate enough low-paid jobs (ie, after the boom initial construction, are the maintenance and cleaning). So that the''local''will become engrossed, day by day, in a situation in which they feel they have control over their work (they say "I have no '), not on your life or your destination. In addition, they launched their reality to face, daily, the injustice of their condition, they often end equated with not having the same economic opportunities that they enjoy their''masters''(which is normal but wrong as the lifestyle of these''masters''is absolutely undesirable for humanity to be non-viable). That breeds despair, frustration considerable, and how all kinds of attitudes and unethical behavior as''live''be the (opportunism), the''scam'', envy, individualism, prostitution and sex character, the desire for power and wealth, tended to exacerbate competition, etc. Many fall. In short, damaged the socio-community, which is compounded if these elitist enclaves cause loss to some of the''bread'', as often occurs with irreversible damage to the fishing (or ecotourism) in coastal areas.
socio-cultural level, it turns out, then all of a symbolic violence (Bourdieu) absolute. The implementation of these golf clubs helps to nothing less than the acculturation of local pro-Western capitalist cultural hegemony (Gramsci), ie the projected value system here involves the "consent of the oppressed themselves" (Poulantzas). Loss of sense, colonization of the imaginary transformation of the social fabric disastrous. In some regions, entire indigenous territories are sacrificed on the altar of this pastime individualistic, megalomaniac, toxic and destructive, people indecendemente opulent - mostly Europeans''and''Caucasian Americans. Golf, cultural and ideological level, is therefore one of the most faithful reflection of economic and genocidal culture of consumption and waste of capitalism arrogant dominant in the world is the expression par excellence of bourgeois-capitalist reason parasitic predation. In short, the creation of golf clubs in the South has its directly political side, because many times these projects are implemented desabilitación''territorial''by rampant corruption and bribery of local authorities, by of powerful and wealthy foreign investors allied with a local elite anti-patriotic emaciated and rotten to its core.
To illustrate the effects of golf in the South, I invite those interested to read about the serious controversy around a nefarious plan to build a field with dozens of condos for wealthy retirees Statians states in the province of Bocas del Toro in Panama, in the heart of the Marine National Park Buffer Bastimentos (Articulated currently threatened Amistad International Park, declared Biosphere Reserve and World Heritage Site by UNESCO). Panama, a country to which the territory has been literally sold, piece by piece, over the past 10 years, foreign capital ... Behind this project promoted by North American investors,''disguised as''sustainable development, was strongly suspected the hand of the IDB (IDB), under the no less infamous Puebla-Panama plan 5.
Anyway, I hope that someday these abominations have disappeared socio-ecological, economic, political and cultural activities are golf clubs. Meanwhile, we must ask once again: what legacy we leave our children and grandchildren, large tracts of barren land and gold and plastic trofeitos as Balita, or how healthy ecosystems and healthy societies more fair?
PS A little story, just passing ... A few years ago, lived in a mountainous region (of Quebec), and sometimes in the morning, I used to walk past a large golf club had there. Surreal and frightening vision while he was at this time was that of a worker dressed head to toe with white sacks of style 'diving',''that''sprayed with highly toxic pesticides greens (which only owe their name to the color green have obtained completely artificial as well). Since then, I thought of these poor rich people'',''naive, who, dressed in their jackets poles and quick-dry pants $ 300, were, barely two hours later, to trample on that ground poisoned, laugh and take a deep breath, pick up his ball from the ground over and over again, two swings after eating a donut with their hands covered (without knowing it) chemical ... It was (and still is) deeply and tragically absurd things. In fact, with regard to health, there are several diseases for which there is convincing scientific evidence and are caused by the use of derivatives of fluorine (among many other substances) on the grounds of golf
6 .
(*) can not underestimate the eco-toxicity of the products used on land courses. The concentration of active agents in the synthetic products used for maintenance is extremely high. Upon these grounds are often used chemical formulas specifically designed to kill EARTHWORMS 7. As is known, however, earthworms are a very important part of soil life, including being one of the''biotic''major land reclamation. But to be nice and smooth GREENS, they are exterminated. That is, for players to have an aesthetically pleasing site, and at the end to avoid any inconvenient little lump would be detrimental the performance of the golfeadores, literally on the floor were killed, which, along with water, forms the basis of life on this Earth.
is more than time, therefore, that people know what golf is and has caused a global scale. For example, the destruction of coral reefs of the Florida Keys, Hawaii and Jamaica has been speed up the construction of numerous clubs, golf courses there, condominiums and mega-hotels adjacent. Why? First of all, for having destroyed mangroves nearby - these are marine coastal forests so that the''lung''of the reefs, which are born and played most of the fish species that populate, once they are adults, reefs ( ).
The U.S. government itself had to admit golf as a central cause of the problem of reef destruction:
Logic, functions and needs. Coral reefs need for their health, a water and good habitat quality. pollution enters the reef ecosystem in various ways, from specific sources such as discharge pipes and sewage drains (served) to more diffuse drips from land-development produced by (...) coastal road building or irrigation [water or chemical] of golf courses. Water pollution can poison several sensitive species, disrupt critical ecological functions, as well as trophic structures and dynamics, so that settlement and prevents normal growth of coral larvae, highly necessary. "(Http : / / )
Another scientific paper (Economic Valuation of the coral reefs of Hawaii - Final report (2002); / meeting18/evhcri_samoa_2007.pdf) , repeatedly refers to damage to coral reefs by golf clubs:
"blasting from (...) the (...) golf courses" (p. ix)
"(...) excess nutrients and coastal drips (...) fertilizer and pesticide use on golf courses" (p. 7)
"(...) the percolation of fertilizers from golf courses destroyed the fragile balance between corals, algae and herbivores as a result of saturation [water] in nutrients, which favors some species, usually at the expense of coral reefs, and leads to the alteration of the structure of coral settlement (eg, Marszalek, 1987, Grigg and Dollar, 1990, Maragos et al., 1985). "(P. 43).
"(...) about Kihei algae problem among its causes is (...) percolation from golf courses" (p. 65)
1 About this rejection, just to consult the following general sources: ; ; . The following scientific article también es útil:
2 Rist, Gilbert. 2003. "Development: the symbolic violence of a belief", in Christian Comeliau, ed. "Drafts for future contributions to the debate on alternatives," Les Nouveaux Cahiers de l'IUED, Geneva, No. 14, PUF , Paris.
3 Por ejemplo, en el caso de Canadá:
4 Marks, Corina (2007) . "Too Much, Too Soon: Why your tourist dollars could end up destroying Baja California ».
5 ; ; ; ; ; -risk-for-dam /
7 See the following product, for example :
Rebellion has posted this article with the permission of the author by Creative Commons license , respeto para published on libertad en otras fuentes.
(*) can not underestimate the eco-toxicity of the products used on land courses. The concentration of active agents in the synthetic products used for maintenance is extremely high. Upon these grounds are often used chemical formulas specifically designed to kill EARTHWORMS 7. As is known, however, earthworms are a very important part of soil life, including being one of the''biotic''major land reclamation. But to be nice and smooth GREENS, they are exterminated. That is, for players to have an aesthetically pleasing site, and at the end to avoid any inconvenient little lump would be detrimental the performance of the golfeadores, literally on the floor were killed, which, along with water, forms the basis of life on this Earth.
is more than time, therefore, that people know what golf is and has caused a global scale. For example, the destruction of coral reefs of the Florida Keys, Hawaii and Jamaica has been speed up the construction of numerous clubs, golf courses there, condominiums and mega-hotels adjacent. Why? First of all, for having destroyed mangroves nearby - these are marine coastal forests so that the''lung''of the reefs, which are born and played most of the fish species that populate, once they are adults, reefs ( ).
The U.S. government itself had to admit golf as a central cause of the problem of reef destruction:
Logic, functions and needs. Coral reefs need for their health, a water and good habitat quality. pollution enters the reef ecosystem in various ways, from specific sources such as discharge pipes and sewage drains (served) to more diffuse drips from land-development produced by (...) coastal road building or irrigation [water or chemical] of golf courses. Water pollution can poison several sensitive species, disrupt critical ecological functions, as well as trophic structures and dynamics, so that settlement and prevents normal growth of coral larvae, highly necessary. "(Http : / / )
Another scientific paper (Economic Valuation of the coral reefs of Hawaii - Final report (2002); / meeting18/evhcri_samoa_2007.pdf) , repeatedly refers to damage to coral reefs by golf clubs:
"blasting from (...) the (...) golf courses" (p. ix)
"(...) excess nutrients and coastal drips (...) fertilizer and pesticide use on golf courses" (p. 7)
"(...) the percolation of fertilizers from golf courses destroyed the fragile balance between corals, algae and herbivores as a result of saturation [water] in nutrients, which favors some species, usually at the expense of coral reefs, and leads to the alteration of the structure of coral settlement (eg, Marszalek, 1987, Grigg and Dollar, 1990, Maragos et al., 1985). "(P. 43).
"(...) about Kihei algae problem among its causes is (...) percolation from golf courses" (p. 65)
1 About this rejection, just to consult the following general sources: ; ; . The following scientific article también es útil:
2 Rist, Gilbert. 2003. "Development: the symbolic violence of a belief", in Christian Comeliau, ed. "Drafts for future contributions to the debate on alternatives," Les Nouveaux Cahiers de l'IUED, Geneva, No. 14, PUF , Paris.
3 Por ejemplo, en el caso de Canadá:
4 Marks, Corina (2007) . "Too Much, Too Soon: Why your tourist dollars could end up destroying Baja California ».
5 ; ; ; ; ; -risk-for-dam /
7 See the following product, for example :
Rebellion has posted this article with the permission of the author by Creative Commons license , respeto para published on libertad en otras fuentes.
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