Saturday, June 5 17:00 PM AT THE LIBRARY MARZOCCO Via Valentini 7 (MEADOW IN CITY) IME ON MEETING WITH MAIL 'AREA OF ARCHAEOLOGICAL Gonfienti. With the presentation of the book " Gonfienti: History of a battle .
We ask him why in view of the beautiful declarations of intent 'current junta in' last election campaign, today we do not know what their true intentions on the hope that they're making the right decisions, in the meantime we will try to understand what the current situation and possible ways forward. Among the
Valbisenzio, meadows, fields and Poggio a Caiano (very rough boundaries) covers one of the largest archaeological sites d 'Italy, an Etruscan area is impressive in size and quantity and quality of evidence found so far, but presumably only a fraction of those still to be discovered still buried; Lawn and surrounding areas would have the' huge opportunity to exploit these cultural treasures, invest in rehabilitation, protection and 'exposure to the public (which also support a type of cultural tourism with an aim of disclosure of self-financing) would certainly be far-reaching consequences in terms of cultural awareness of the population on that of' image and 'economically' area and the cities involved.
Gonfienti is only a part of this' area, but certainly one of the richest and most important sites and what part of the town of Prato. =>
Unfortunately OTHER INTERESTS (obviously economic in nature) have overlapped, and Taxes: interests that usually are not given to all initiatives that distribute benefits, benefits and profits to all the population rather than concentrating them in smaller groups of 'special interests, also counting on those who are guilty paucity of institutions (not all but many in key positions is no longer so) and on the' ignorance does not substantially guilty of most of the people: situation in which we try to alleviate our little spreading and promoting information about interesting events like this.
Ermini Maila (with the fundamental contribution of Prof. Arch Giuseppe Centauro ) is an actress, an artist who is fighting for years to do justice to this very important, fundamental cultural heritage not only the city but around the world.
Here ==> a book review in the journal Internet ALIBIONLINE
Gonfienti: an extraordinary opportunity now lost?
We ask him why in view of the beautiful declarations of intent 'current junta in' last election campaign, today we do not know what their true intentions on the hope that they're making the right decisions, in the meantime we will try to understand what the current situation and possible ways forward. Among the
Valbisenzio, meadows, fields and Poggio a Caiano (very rough boundaries) covers one of the largest archaeological sites d 'Italy, an Etruscan area is impressive in size and quantity and quality of evidence found so far, but presumably only a fraction of those still to be discovered still buried; Lawn and surrounding areas would have the' huge opportunity to exploit these cultural treasures, invest in rehabilitation, protection and 'exposure to the public (which also support a type of cultural tourism with an aim of disclosure of self-financing) would certainly be far-reaching consequences in terms of cultural awareness of the population on that of' image and 'economically' area and the cities involved.
Gonfienti is only a part of this' area, but certainly one of the richest and most important sites and what part of the town of Prato. =>
Unfortunately OTHER INTERESTS (obviously economic in nature) have overlapped, and Taxes: interests that usually are not given to all initiatives that distribute benefits, benefits and profits to all the population rather than concentrating them in smaller groups of 'special interests, also counting on those who are guilty paucity of institutions (not all but many in key positions is no longer so) and on the' ignorance does not substantially guilty of most of the people: situation in which we try to alleviate our little spreading and promoting information about interesting events like this.
Ermini Maila (with the fundamental contribution of Prof. Arch Giuseppe Centauro ) is an actress, an artist who is fighting for years to do justice to this very important, fundamental cultural heritage not only the city but around the world.
Here ==> a book review in the journal Internet ALIBIONLINE
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