The 24 part throughout Italy collecting signatures |
From Saturday, April 24 we will begin collecting signatures in three months we will reach a height of at least 500,000 to qualify for the referendum. Banquet for the collection of signatures will be set up throughout the country. three questions I want to repeal the shameful law passed by the government in November 2009 and the rules adopted by other governments in the past that went in the same direction, to consider water a commodity and its management in order to deliver profit . From a regulatory standpoint, the postpone approval of the three questions, for the award of integrated water services, the current article. 114 of Legislative Decree No 267/2000. This Article provides for the use of special agencies or, in any case, for public corporations that qualify the service water as structurally and functionally devoid of economic significance, "service of general interest and no profit in its delivery. creams are the best conditions for the approval of the law of popular initiative, already delivered to Parliament in 2007 by Italian Forum movements for water , accompanied by more than 400,000 signatures of citizens. And it would reopen the debate on the regions and comparing the re-establishment of a new advertising model, which can be defined as such only if built on participatory democracy, democratic control and direct participation of workers, citizens and local communities. ; 's enough, we decide on the water Why a referendum? Because water is a common good and a universal human right. An essential commodity that belongs to all. No one can appropriate it, nor make us a profit. The current government has instead decided to give it to individuals and grandimultinazionali. We all and all we can prevent it. By now our signature on the request for referendum and vote YES when the next spring, we will have to decide. It 's a battle of civilization. No one should feel excluded. Why three questions? Because we want to eliminate all the rules in recent years have pushed the privatization of water. Because we want to remove the water from the market and profits from the water. What do we want? We want to restore this essential commodity for collective management. To ensure access to everybody. To protect him as a common good. To be preserved for future generations. We want a public and participatory management. Why do you spell water, but it reads democracy. by referendum a new scenario From a regulatory standpoint, the combined provisions of the three questions above, would lead to the expectation of the integrated water service, the possibility of recourse to the current article. 114 of Legislative Decree No 267/2000. This Article provides for recourse to public corporations (special company, special agency consortium, the consortium of municipalities), or to kinds of companies that qualify for water, structurally and functionally as "devoid of economic significance," service of general interest and free in profits from its provision. Would therefore put the best conditions for the approval of the law of popular initiative, already delivered to Parliament in 2007 by the Italian Forum of Water Movements, together more than 400,000 signatures of citizens. And it would reopen the debate on the regions and comparing the re-establishment of a new advertising model, which can be defined as such only if built on participatory democracy, democratic control and direct participation of workers, citizens and local communities. We want to remove the water from the market and profits from the water. We want to give this common shared management of the territories. To ensure access to everybody. To safeguard it as a collective good. to be preserved for future generations. Why do you spell water but it readsdemocracy |
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