Monday, October 27, 2008

How To Deactive Kidde Alarm

Defenders of concrete advances

Ho letto su Nave Corsara il trattato apologetico del «giovane fidentino … automobilista soprattutto urbano» Alessandro Stefanini.
Prima di dir altro vorrei dargli il consiglio di comprarsi una bicicletta ed usarla per contribute to the fight, at least in part, with a reduction of CO2 emissions, the continued felling of trees in various parts of the city.
Entering the merits, I will cover two of the many complex issues that he is, since both have written in my previous letters to the editor of the online magazine itself.
The first concerns what I call the "do-it-yourself bypass." I'm glad that the fellow has already prepared the answer, or rather that it enhances the solution which would have in mind the commissioner Massari. The inhabitants of Via Tasso, Via Isonzo and Piave Street will be from now a lot calmer and especially the children and parents will be attending la scuola elementare di Via Tasso e la scuola materna di Via Isonzo.
Via Illica, dunque, sarebbe la soluzione.
Vediamo un po’. Questo, nella foto satellitare tratta da Google Maps (come le successive), è il primo tratto di Via Illica, che corre a ridosso della massicciata ferroviaria della linea Fidenza-Salsomaggiore. La prima cosa che si nota è che non solo «non è una strada larghissima», ma è decisamente stretta.
La seconda cosa che si osserva è che non solo non è «occupata da baracche e capannoni», ma ci sono anche abitazioni, proprio sul bordo della carreggiata.
Vediamo ora il secondo tratto:

As you can see there is a large production facility and the road becomes even narrower, mainly because of the trees. It is true that in Bicester you rather avoid the trees, but ...

will still get to look at the third leg.
In Section 1 there is a bar (you can also see from satellite), the road becomes private.
In step 2 is the output of the low and narrow underpass that leads into Via Tagliamento. Also there is a bar: the road again becomes public. Close to the railway embankment, there are many homes. Sarebbe davvero contento il giovane fidentino, che forse abita proprio in una di quelle case, di avere a pochi passi, oltre alla ferrovia, anche la tangenziale sud? E ne sarebbero lieti i suoi vicini di casa?
Ma allarghiamo un po’ lo sguardo:

Come si vede, la prosecuzione di Via Illica gira a destra verso lo Stirone e un altro grande complesso abitativo-produttivo. Si può davvero pensare di far passare di qui la tangenziale sud, cioè un collegamento ad alta densità di traffico tra due arterie come la provinciale per Salso e la Via Emilia?
E se torniamo al dettaglio, si può davvero pensare che l’intersezione tra la futura tangenziale e la statale 9 can be achieved at the point shown in the photo below with n. 1, where it crosses the Via Emilia Via Illica, beside a gas station, in front of a residential neighborhood near a recreation center summer parish, and a few meters from the bridge on Stirone?

And then, how soon they would begin work on a solution that can be only transitory? In the meantime, Via Tasso and Via Isonzo and elementary school children and the mother will continue to have the ring of the house. And in summer, for the next three years, the strict and exclusively residential Via Galvani will almost certainly part of the 'bypass do-it-yourself. " In fact, as can be seen from the dark, incomprehensible, "burocratichese" language adopted by friend See news page. 7, the work taking place in the market area of \u200b\u200bVia XX Settembre and surrounding areas are only a first phase of a project that will certainly also the next two summers.
Moreover, interventions in the area provide for an unspecified "arrangement of the building which houses the Chamber of Labor." I heteronym which has already seen so many ruins, destruction and collapse, which would not have wanted to witness the destruction of the House Sandwiches, I would not have to see in future also the collapse of the House of employees.
And here we come to the second issue, that the 'three-storey building on a cabin (which has occupied the road, but a sort of unregulated parking in the middle of the curve, then a little dangerous). " I talked briefly, too, along with De Sanctis, a couple of occasions. Here
the apology becomes mystification. There was hardly a car in the middle of the curve there. The photo below shows the existing situation: the "new" water distribution center built in the '60s to the middle of a large green area, bounded on two sides by rows of poplars and a metal fence. The road is also pretty straight.

reported in detail below, the two rows of trees stand out even better, even if that side of Palm Street had already been breached, perhaps in preparation for future work at the time of the photo.

photos that accompany the service of De Sanctis are very eloquent and document the total devastation of the row on Via Baracca and the fact that the construction goes far beyond the line formed from the row itself and the existing metal fence, as demonstrated clearly the position of the corner pylon that supported it (arrow).

In other words, the area now looks something like this: the front row of trees removed and buried from concrete, wood to Rabaiotti House is behind the walls of the palace, which borders the road, reducing the pavement close to a Test Strip, the whole area almost entirely green cement plant. This is an approximation graphics. Expect the update to Google to check.

meantime, however, we must say that it is reprehensible in itself the demolition of a building that was a piece of the history of the development of Bicester, which had no environmental impact and if anything could be used for a museum on the technologies of water supply. I hope that the engineer Vittorio Chiapponi and many others, quell'impianto that gave birth to the modern era, will not turn in his grave. Posted by privateer
August 25, 2008


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