Monday, December 1, 2008

Garrison Smoke Alarm Keeps Beeping

F. Paola seems oriented to land with the MPA Campo M. Lombardo. Sciacca's autonomy would not like!
S. Di Paola seems oriented follow his uncle (I believe a little) but with a list of civic support, and after he passes through municipal nell'MPA if things go well!
The PD is trying to regroup, but will hardly be able to express a candidate! The UDC
seems to be ready for enlargement.
The PDL has almost shrunk to Turton, but the joke might be that the current mayor withdraws candidacy for a nice place to party patronage to mock Marinello between 4 years to the national.
associations would do well to retrace their steps, with the 5% threshold are at sea!

I sindachesche are eager to Candidat:
- Turton
- Testone
- F. Paola
- S. Paola
- V. Bono
- F. Marciante
- Turkish
- Laonte
- T. Russian
- Bellanca
- Some personality type

Sgarbi Everything else ... is life!

(I may disagree with the democratically appointed by me at any time, provided they do not contradict themselves!)

Monday, November 24, 2008

Lorena Herrera Desnud Yahoo

MPA fights with PDL ... Break? And Sciacca?

MPA fights with PDL .
In Rome, Lombardo threatens to leave the majority of the country.

In Palermo the PDL against the MPA in both regional parliaments in the City Council of the capital where the mayor fired two Councillors Cammarata MPA. The UDC

except braces these days Ribera is always on the side of MPA.

If it were a complete break, and now that we are close to the launch of the budget, everything is possible ... What would happen? I think:

- MPA leaves the majority in Rome
- PDL leaves the majority in Palermo
- Lombardo will be the new majority with UDC and MPA PD

Sciacca E?
We will create a similar situation for the authorities?

If this happened? :

- The coalition opposed to Turturici could be a mixture of MPA and PD UDC
- The PD is in no position to focus on a candidate for mayor
- MPA already expressed a President of the Region and a provincial
- And the UDC is the only party that could deliver a Mayor. (Mannino has once again why?)

And if the Mayor will give the UDC, who would it be?
certainly can not say who will. That is,

- Ambrosetti working away from Sciacca and even if well prepared, many do not appreciate the character sometimes too grumpy
- Di Paola is not mannino it stands on the side of Turton as well Caruana, S. Bono and field, and by refusing the invitation of the former minister to stand in opposition to the mayor he can only dream
- Friscia
is unwilling to do so - the age when absence has Messina did for the first time the Mayor, and although loyalist Mannino, we are not in an era where space from the new
- Craparo has already made the Mayor of Sciacca, but Monza is so long ...

At this point, excluding the application of civil society that has little of politics, knows that the proposal of the candidate for mayor does not fall on a distinguished personality of the national culture! A
Salemi has been done, and Sgarbi is not to be thrown away as Mayor!

We'll see ... From everything that moves now seems clear that Turton has done, both because of its choices on the people (water privatization, no help to the carnival, you strike for Rocco Strong and no powers to strike for the thermal baths of the people scaccense), both for the internal strife within the PDL (see G. Bono and all directors of Cimino and not Marinello)

Sciacca What a beautiful ... you are not working and we do nothing all day, but there is always time to talk! Sciacchitano The political is an animal!

Monday, November 3, 2008

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's party

is great reading, suitable for many Fidenza confident in the "magnificent and progressive" del nostro borgo. Ho appena iniziato a leggerlo ed è davvero istruttivo o, se si vuole, sconvolgente. Parla soprattutto del "sacco della Liguria", ma lo si potrebbe, temo, ambientare tranquillamente anche qui da noi.

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concrete future objectives of the Party of cement ?

C’è una zona di Fidenza su cui i costruttori locali hanno sicuramente puntato gli occhi. È quella raffigurata nella foto satellitare tratta da Google :

Avete già capito qual è?
Al centro di essa ci sono degli edifici storici che hanno un valore architettonico e urbanistico notevole. Non solo: sono strettamente legati alla storia della città e al ricordo di many generations of villagers.
Have you guessed what it is?
Now I show them in detail in the next satellite photo.

You've certainly identified, right?
They are the old Don Bosco Oratory, closed for some time, and the Crystal Film, still active, until it threatened to resist coming to a multiplex device. The fear that they might fall on the devastating fury of cement is not at all unfounded. In the courtyard
played recreational, cultural, sporting and religious generations of kids. We also played the Fulgor, the prestigious basketball team villagers. Was held here in June Tournament of the bar, which also participated in basketball star of Serie A. That court again until after the mid-60s, was teeming with life and echoed sounds. The old Cinema
Donnino, modernized and renamed Crystal in the mid-60s, is the last surviving movie house in a town of 25,000 inhabitants. If you were to disappear, Bicester, in the alleged rush to modernize, it would make a step back almost a century.
Who can save the old chapel? Who can prevent the crystal slowly die? Enlightened administration? Entrepreneurs not only interested in profit but also to the preservation of historic della città? Associazioni di cittadini che si uniscono per salvare un pezzo della storia del Novecento e dell’attualità fidentina? Tutte queste realtà insieme, ammesso che esistano? Non lo so, ma di sicuro so che non vorrei vedere altre demolizioni e altre nuove palazzine più o meno signorili che sorgono dentro (e fuori) le mura del borgo medievale.
Leggimi anche su Nave Corsara

Friday, October 31, 2008

Capillaries Breaking Image

The curriculum ... to whom? If it does not

If, as is correctly done, the curriculum to work from Rocco Forte, it is not sent to the secretariats policy .......... Who is delivering ?????
have asked around but nobody knows. And I even.
If anyone knows about it, let us know!

PS And they say that the patronage politics must be combated, and how?

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D'Antoni ...

last episode of Vesper RMK were guests at the provincial councilors Saccensi Sunflower, Lazzano, first councilor and C. Pace

is what they said on the local 2009:

Lazzano : "Assessing, alternative proposals to Turturici although he must have pecedenza"

Befort : "The PD alone will never win, we should make alliances with the UDC. The associations and non-partisan electoral rolls slightly under the law with which they will vote will change much "

Sunflower : " The PD can achieve little and should have its candidate flag "

C. Peace : "should not be completely overlooked the civic lists" then flies .

Anonymous Sciacchitano " Known only that confusion reigns, it is perhaps not yet time to talk about it. Emerge only that no one had said they sympathize with the ricandidatura Turturic i ";-)

Thursday, October 30, 2008

What Causes A Coughing Fit?

What did the Mayor for us Saccensi

The Mayor has done a lot for the city.

- redid the plaster of his room and the junta
room - he rebuilt the hall of the Municipal Council as if the parliament (with F. DiPaola)
- It was remade sofas and furniture of his room.
- He has bought a brand new machine representation.
- From 4 years traveling the world to advertise Sciacca, but the fruits of his wanderings are not seen (with costs).
- helped by his lack of interest (and his political party) to stop thinking at the Spa as the historical-cultural and economic. (But Rocco pulls us strong!)
- With his political party has controlled the hospital for years, and behold, the hospital will be downgraded.
- claims to represent, but it was the only one to believe that the water was the Girgenti manna from heaven.

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

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Here's what I caught on e-bay

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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

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Administration from the double-sided for the carnival

According to the gullible, the 'Venice Councillor not sleep at night. But if its full commitment to finding solutions to celebrate Carnival, translates into thin air ... something reeks of double-sided!

and the Mayor doing? I would say ... comedy. First he says that this year's carnival is celebrated in the center. After 4 days you find that the work of the famous balcony are not finished, and after another 3 days it turns out that Fauci or his representative does not authorize the use of warehouses.

So, either the Mayor of Sciacca Mario Turton (just like to announce TRS) is a naive, little administrative experience that before you forget to mention that the statements by the mayor must be consistent, or have simply given a notice to ' rose water, only to calm float makers. Boh!

fact is that the President of the Municipal Council Fabrizio Di Paola adviser to the last, he strafregano carnival and its induced about 2000 people. Then maybe after that the solution will be, all amassed in the newsroom with press releases of satisfaction.
I just hope that people do not commit the same mistake a few months ago, and before voting on the PDL people think about a lot and it is proved helpless as our dear mayor today.

Monday, October 27, 2008

How To Deactive Kidde Alarm

Defenders of concrete advances

Ho letto su Nave Corsara il trattato apologetico del «giovane fidentino … automobilista soprattutto urbano» Alessandro Stefanini.
Prima di dir altro vorrei dargli il consiglio di comprarsi una bicicletta ed usarla per contribute to the fight, at least in part, with a reduction of CO2 emissions, the continued felling of trees in various parts of the city.
Entering the merits, I will cover two of the many complex issues that he is, since both have written in my previous letters to the editor of the online magazine itself.
The first concerns what I call the "do-it-yourself bypass." I'm glad that the fellow has already prepared the answer, or rather that it enhances the solution which would have in mind the commissioner Massari. The inhabitants of Via Tasso, Via Isonzo and Piave Street will be from now a lot calmer and especially the children and parents will be attending la scuola elementare di Via Tasso e la scuola materna di Via Isonzo.
Via Illica, dunque, sarebbe la soluzione.
Vediamo un po’. Questo, nella foto satellitare tratta da Google Maps (come le successive), è il primo tratto di Via Illica, che corre a ridosso della massicciata ferroviaria della linea Fidenza-Salsomaggiore. La prima cosa che si nota è che non solo «non è una strada larghissima», ma è decisamente stretta.
La seconda cosa che si osserva è che non solo non è «occupata da baracche e capannoni», ma ci sono anche abitazioni, proprio sul bordo della carreggiata.
Vediamo ora il secondo tratto:

As you can see there is a large production facility and the road becomes even narrower, mainly because of the trees. It is true that in Bicester you rather avoid the trees, but ...

will still get to look at the third leg.
In Section 1 there is a bar (you can also see from satellite), the road becomes private.
In step 2 is the output of the low and narrow underpass that leads into Via Tagliamento. Also there is a bar: the road again becomes public. Close to the railway embankment, there are many homes. Sarebbe davvero contento il giovane fidentino, che forse abita proprio in una di quelle case, di avere a pochi passi, oltre alla ferrovia, anche la tangenziale sud? E ne sarebbero lieti i suoi vicini di casa?
Ma allarghiamo un po’ lo sguardo:

Come si vede, la prosecuzione di Via Illica gira a destra verso lo Stirone e un altro grande complesso abitativo-produttivo. Si può davvero pensare di far passare di qui la tangenziale sud, cioè un collegamento ad alta densità di traffico tra due arterie come la provinciale per Salso e la Via Emilia?
E se torniamo al dettaglio, si può davvero pensare che l’intersezione tra la futura tangenziale e la statale 9 can be achieved at the point shown in the photo below with n. 1, where it crosses the Via Emilia Via Illica, beside a gas station, in front of a residential neighborhood near a recreation center summer parish, and a few meters from the bridge on Stirone?

And then, how soon they would begin work on a solution that can be only transitory? In the meantime, Via Tasso and Via Isonzo and elementary school children and the mother will continue to have the ring of the house. And in summer, for the next three years, the strict and exclusively residential Via Galvani will almost certainly part of the 'bypass do-it-yourself. " In fact, as can be seen from the dark, incomprehensible, "burocratichese" language adopted by friend See news page. 7, the work taking place in the market area of \u200b\u200bVia XX Settembre and surrounding areas are only a first phase of a project that will certainly also the next two summers.
Moreover, interventions in the area provide for an unspecified "arrangement of the building which houses the Chamber of Labor." I heteronym which has already seen so many ruins, destruction and collapse, which would not have wanted to witness the destruction of the House Sandwiches, I would not have to see in future also the collapse of the House of employees.
And here we come to the second issue, that the 'three-storey building on a cabin (which has occupied the road, but a sort of unregulated parking in the middle of the curve, then a little dangerous). " I talked briefly, too, along with De Sanctis, a couple of occasions. Here
the apology becomes mystification. There was hardly a car in the middle of the curve there. The photo below shows the existing situation: the "new" water distribution center built in the '60s to the middle of a large green area, bounded on two sides by rows of poplars and a metal fence. The road is also pretty straight.

reported in detail below, the two rows of trees stand out even better, even if that side of Palm Street had already been breached, perhaps in preparation for future work at the time of the photo.

photos that accompany the service of De Sanctis are very eloquent and document the total devastation of the row on Via Baracca and the fact that the construction goes far beyond the line formed from the row itself and the existing metal fence, as demonstrated clearly the position of the corner pylon that supported it (arrow).

In other words, the area now looks something like this: the front row of trees removed and buried from concrete, wood to Rabaiotti House is behind the walls of the palace, which borders the road, reducing the pavement close to a Test Strip, the whole area almost entirely green cement plant. This is an approximation graphics. Expect the update to Google to check.

meantime, however, we must say that it is reprehensible in itself the demolition of a building that was a piece of the history of the development of Bicester, which had no environmental impact and if anything could be used for a museum on the technologies of water supply. I hope that the engineer Vittorio Chiapponi and many others, quell'impianto that gave birth to the modern era, will not turn in his grave. Posted by privateer
August 25, 2008

Sunday, October 26, 2008

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Final Report rejected!

Aiaiaiai! Dear Mayor
've lost 14 to 10 ...
You have only 10 out of 30 advisers from ta part! You can reapply
... but you can not win ...

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

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October 14, 2008, we will visit the aliens?

Do you believe? I do not, but we'll see.
In the video it is explained everything!
This is a message that the mediun Blossom Goodchild says she received.

Denise Milanihardcore

not talk about it anymore !?!?!?!?!? The smell of money

if not more talk!
What's going on?


The Hon. Marinello of PDL is dedicated to everything but in Sciacca, lost city councilors and provincial (last Testone) and this added to the silence of the Mayor, makes me think that there are problems to reconfirm Turton in nomination.
The Hon. Marinello PD Ars danger of losing his job and then is understandably on the sidelines.
The Hon. Messina IdV said something that suggests his final departure from the scene of local politics in the fact that it is now electorally doomed.
The Hon. Mannino is justified because in a few days to finish the job, and I suppose that in case of acquittal may be the only honorable to raise its voice for the next administration.


The Chambers. Paola no more sympathy than once, his political clout is considerably low and is considered inconsistent, after three defeats in regional and after voting for anything and everything outside of itself has little chance to say and give her ideas.
Giuseppe Bono seems to have abandoned all ambition, probabilmete came the call of the party.
Paola Di Simone seems to have relegated to a position of fashion in Sciacca, who is president of the Association complaint and all around just seeing things that do not come and go without ever proposed alternatives. Maybe look for consensus, but in doing so he finds them only for himself and that is to make the city council.
Leontes through a deafening silence, after having become accustomed to his speeches Board, now no longer speaks ... let me think!
Vito Bono continues undaunted with his struggles on faulty lamps and water loss, is not participating in social life of the country, but at least you feel at times. Marching through
Philip, who was also a period of silence ingiustficato (apparently).
Mariolina Bono does nothing say that it did not want to know anything, but many in the call for applications.


PDL : Loses pieces, is not compact, the Secretary is more of a distributor of satisfaction (not saying much), a party with cancer at home and take in Sciacca the votes that do not use for the good of the community, but to put his men in key positions, leading to the destruction when he won with the sweat in the past (see Terme, Hospital, Marine, Culture etc.).
AN Sciacca does not exist, see Lazzano that goes with the votes of Di Paola, and the Minister in these Venice 4 years covering a delegation to him inadequate, I think he has lost more votes than her hair.
UDC party is in disarray, surely awaits the glorious return of Mannino, but meanwhile Mr. Pace has a secretary that does not exist, there are those who vote for other parties, some are already in other parties, not represented in the province, half (who receives benefits) is with the administration, and half against.
UDEUR no longer exists.
PD it would take a scientist to understand the plot of the currents in it. Capodicasa is the official reference ... but only officially. There are groups Mariolina Bono, Philip Marciante, Fazio, Leontes, Marinello and who knows who else. A big party in Sciacca without a secretary nor a Board, but officials at all levels both regionally and nationally.
MPA has a secretary and a board, take the vote and elect representatives, but the outward vision of this party should not impress, because basically there are so many souls (Marciante, Ferrara, Turkish, Golf etc..) That looks like a Plastic parts from which to draw possible as long as you can.
IdV no longer exists, ammenochè 300 votes enough to make policy.
Communist rifondaroli and others no longer exist.

If the picture I see and I have just described is close to the reality that we all see, I believe that our city is located in a tangled skein of the solution where you risk unpredictable to determine his future choices that come from again, preventing once again that can be maneuvered by a ruling class of pure spirit and cohesive in the only common interest.
Meditate people and hope I'm wrong.

Friday, October 10, 2008

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County from an article I read that Caramel County in addition to being the President (not applicable) of Sciacca Terme Spa is one of those with the money you make the Region the bathrooms more than we can imagine. In fact, the mischievous
merits sanguignei we select for the 40,000 euro for collecting Spa knows how to be secretary of the Regional Public Works Dear Louis County which he is brother in law.
doing a report on the situation, Carmelo earns a lot of money by doing nothing for the Spa with its management which are almost bankrupt, and doing nothing as private secretary, who is always seen in Sciacca. Mah!
Who knows what they think the mason of € 1,000 per month sweaty.
And then, do people think that anger as Canton goes on TV to say that it is in solidarity with workers of the Baths, who unlike her have a relationship with the bank with a minus sign.

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Di Paola and others.

Today a delegation of City Councillors and went to visit in Palermo, for the Terme Saccensi.
Beyond the search for visibility, very clear, what lies beneath?
Di Paola is and remains a city councilman, president of the council has not even an honorable that can vote ... and then: that there is going to do? It was not better to save and send a journalist?
fact on his return to Sciacca, gave an interview that he had more the flavor of a communication instead of something that has got! Mah! Who loves you vote!

Tuesday, October 7, 2008

Will Drinking Maalox Make My Stool Black

Berlusca sings!

The Mark Galli Factor with the excellent cooperation of Mitch & Squalo has the "young" talent Silvio di Milano, winner of the day and a possible candidate for the title of the program. A unique phenomenon. (Start without the music!)

video is brilliant! From:


I made an examination of second grade in 1975.
socialism was like the universe expanding.
The teacher asked me to Maximilian Robespierre.
replied that the Jacobins were right and that
Terror or not the French Revolution was the right thing.
The teacher did not think to ask more questions.
But we also have many memories of that little ancient world Fogazzaro:
- the ship of three hundred points
Space Invaders - Enrico Berlinguer
on TV - the Olympic victory of Alberto Juantorena

In the name of the Cuban revolution - the Sandinistas to power
in Nicaragua - the catechist who voted Pannella
- Friends of the pitch went from Marlboro
heroin directly to the face of soft drugs
- comics Zora the vampire porn and Prinz
no return - the referendum on divorce and
If we understood why he won the No divorce was and if he won the Si was not
- Anna Oxa in Sanremo tanned like a punk
London - Van Halen
- the first saw
- the neighbor, a drag queen known as Lola the most that my mother called Antonio with our supreme astonishment
- Jarmila Kratochivilova
- the Toblerone, does anyone know why
- a sign of the ultras of Reggiana after U.S. air strike on Tripoli in the eighties.
He said: "Thank you Reagan, bombardaci Parma
- and then our wonderful place names: Via Carlo Marx

Street Ho Chi Minh Che Guevara

Via Via Via Dolores Ibarruri
Via Tito
Lenin Square in Cavriago
E the large local bank is no longer based Via the October Revolution in

- and finally my neighborhood, where the Communist Party took 74% and the Christian Democratic Party 6%

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I think it's just the ugliest photos we could make. Say no more, which is better.

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Spa: INCREDIBLE !!!!!!!

Workers delle Terme know their destination these days, in relation to the transfer.
Apart from that I do not understand why six directors, which do not, they can stay, while employees are not required.
However, the fact remains incredible that when I speak with employees, ANORA today, did not know who is to blame, and how many irrational animals seek scapegoats among themselves.
What makes me mad is the fact that in recent days has left the pilgrimage to the Secretariat of the FI ... MAH!
go to ask a favor and get back something to those who have taken him!

Imagine PS borrowed from the site , I hope you do not offend.

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What happened to Goofy Turkish?

tempted to say: "better that way."
But his constant presence in every pre-election period, we have become accustomed to its constant presence and often embarrassing for its competitors.
His ways we have been given confirmation that it is a dog bark and no bite , the fact is that when last year it was looking for assessors and advisers to its future has come, many have believed. .. now what?
is certainly not one that seemed to give up, but it is certain that the blow of regional wounded him. He expected that more than 5,000 votes, but which in spite of hope, has disfigured much.
Pippo want to come back to show you, for fun, listening to you speak newspeak vernacular, that to hear the voice of someone who can say when it like it is!

Sunday, September 28, 2008

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News: Turton opposite opinion to the Council's reply

On I read that on the 26/09/2008 Terme Turton has an opposite opinion to the Council.
Well! One might say: "But what's the news? So you know that the majority is in opposition!"

Rather, what is striking is something else. Statements or phrases to the effect of advisers, in fact, some of them. Those who until now had not said on Terme even a word and those who should not even talk because of their party affiliation.

Here are some examples:

Mario Raso AN, the party that has in part the President of the Board of the Baths, the canton and on TV always says that everything is going very well, like a ridge, he says: - " We a strong document and if there are answers we give life to egregious actions. "

Michele Ferrara, 's MPA, relevant Councillor Di Mauro (the salaries of termeali), waking from hibernation says: -" The problem of personnel is over, but the future? Perhaps you do not need a document, you need to understand the region that there is an entire city waiting "- see next month if he's right!

Michael Graffeo of IDV, admits that its probably the Honourable 300 votes failed, implying between the lines of this sentence: "The city council little impact. Not only the mayor has failed, we all failed. "Since, however, admit that it was the only one to understand some things ... well to tell her.

Finally, here is that the President of the Council, daring to represent his colleagues, now that is the situational holding a bill almost ready, and salaries have been paid, enters the scene (in vain) to create a council delegation that will advance efforts to find the exit from the current tragic situation.

One thing is certain: with spare paper does not conclude anything, and starting with the President of the Council for fiinire in the last advisor, demagogy is exceeding all limits and it bothers people who do not want to be teased. He's right, the Mayor said: "I am sorry to note that some municipal councilors rather than proposing concrete solutions, deemed to the catwalk."

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Protouch Curling Wand

Mistretta Post to: Mistretta (The other Sciacca) inconsistent??

I make more visible the correct answer to Di Pietro Mistretta previous post.

would be easy for me to answer the question with the aphorism: "Only stupid people do not change their minds," but it's not my style to hide behind a striking phrase to deflect the question or, worse still, do not answer .

The complement of Alderman passed but my Cucchiara in came in today I am proud to have was a member, it is incorrect for a variety of elements that try to explain:
1 - In 2003, the disastrous management of the EAS was so maddening and inconclusive in that implementation of the Galli Law, the infamous Law Galli, which required a different from the existing water management, was considered a proposal for project financing from a company (the Conscoop) entirely at his own expense that would have redone the entire water system and run an efficient and rational distribution idrica.Il City of Sciacca (but also of Memphis) would have un'interlocuzione direct with the company and the price would be agreed to by below the current one. A key element of the operation was that our water resources (and Grattavoli Carboj) were always available and in any case, the only town of Sciacca. To this end was made by Mayor Cucchiara and Lota (to Memphis) the request to the ATO forming water of Agrigento, on the ouster of the two municipalities. What happened then and today's story, where the current mayor, not only did nothing to prevent the constitution of the water to Agrigento to modern conditions, which I call the halter, but also venture to stand up to champion Girgenti Acque SpA which so far has done well for us (Sic.!) actually regret the EAS. I have nothing to repent, therefore, the choice made in 2003 in my capacity as Deputy Mayor with the task of doing what they agreed not to myself but the interests of the community.
2 - In 2007, exactly 1 December, it was in Sciacca, the Association of social promotion "The ALTRASCIACCA, with very clear ideas and goals about being a non-partisan and apolitical association. Now that this city of many associations made, sometimes by only one or two subjects, it is thought that altraSciacca falls between these, identifying its President (and his political past) as the one who is the "factotum" of the only one that decides everything and fate of battles undertaken or to be undertaken below, wrong. In fact, the association of which I am honored to chair (scutatemi presume) one of the few that has succeeded with its system of internal communication between members to make decisions, choices, actions, the result of a democratic and free comparison of the same components of the association, which in just a few days or sometimes a few hours can make a decision and establish a collegial and shared. The Association ALTRASCIACCA responds not to the past (of which I repeat are proud) myself, but that it expresses a level of associations from December 2007 to present.
That said, my "inconsistency" which would, in fact that I am today (along with The AltraSciacca) I am not fighting for the privatization of water?
Excuse me, but before applying to the demolition of the notorious Law Galli, of which only now we are having disastrous effects, as it is unthinkable not change your mind?
Let me explain. The Galli Law covers both waste management and water supply. Waste management is now acclaimed not only by the inefficiency and high costs to bear (the Region of Sicily, for example, has a hole of more than 600 million euro!) the now very well known bad shape that made the whole of Italy with Naples and its garbage. In Sicily has done much more and worse, has become the multiplication, not of the loaves and fishes of biblical memory, but that the ATO WASTE 9 (planned) are now as many as 27! Today, it appears (the conditional is a must), a return to the past and no one speaks of "inconsistency" in the face of economic disaster financial product and blown by the Court of Auditors.
On the water you are following exactly the very same way, but with a small detail of substantial importance, namely, AND WATER ' Life and, as such, can not be given (as it was in Sicily) GIFT TO A COMPANY 'FRENCH (VEOLIA WATER), which through its subsidiaries owns 75% of SICILIACQUE!
I will not bore you about who, or what, VEOLIA be seen worldwide on well water (blue or gold as the precious liquid is now called), but just do a little research on the internet to get all the answers.
I apologize for the long answer, but believe me, the problem is so serious and who has put his hands is so cunning and powerful, that the mobilization must be large and involve everyone and not do as the Mayor of Sciacca , yet another piece (Conscious or not) of a game in favor of the unscrupulous people and where, unfortunately, you know the names of the losers or suckers paying the usual ", ie ALL OF U.S.!
Peter Mistretta

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Mistretta (The other Sciacca) inconsistent??

The episode of the Tournament of yesterday has given us moments of confusion indimenticabii!
The scoop that gave us the Mayor is really striking and should make us all think a little.
Mario Turton has done frame by cameras TRS, the first floor of the signing of Peter Mistretta, at a resolution of the 2003 by quae reveals that the then commissioner Mistretta private circle for water management at Sciacca.
There would be nothing if not scandalous, that Mistretta is currently the President of "The Other Sciacca" which is leading a fight on the front line against water privatization. Shocking!
course, for the record, it is noted that the former commissioner was justified in saying that with this act the city would still have had the main Gestin. But the answer is not convincing.
Pity the fool of history, because this damages the image of clean and association made up of many young people who believe in their president. But having a hidden sin so serious and heavy to digest. I wonder if
to save the good name of "The Other Sciacca will resign!
Magrari me who misunderstood, in the service on television this is the message that was leaked to the public.
hope that Peter will be able to deny and explain the whole situation, just so his peccadillo will be forgiven, otherwise the damage to its image and dellassociazione will be irreparable.

Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Centennial Church Welcome Greetings


Let me recall an emotion that has its roots in the distant childhood.
I knew that there still existed and how many times I walked past, but that Sunday afternoon I saw with other eyes, and it worked for me as the madeleinette of Proust. Thus, 'as in that game in which the Japanese amuse themselves immersed in a water-filled bowl of porcelain pieces of paper hitherto indistinct, that, when immersed, relax, take contour, stain, differentiate, become flowers, houses, human figures consistent and recognizable, "built an entire world around me when I stopped to look a little 'wonder, a world memory that had the same strength as the real one.

along Via Fratelli Cairoli cycling, as indicated by the arrow in the satellite photo (taken from Google Maps , like the others that use in this text), when I saw him there on the left, surrounded by in a lush green, and I found myself enchanted in Bicester fifty years ago.
It is the well No Fidenza an aqueduct, still miraculously intact in a city where many precious testimonies of the past, even recently, have been destroyed and replaced by new buildings, often, unfortunately, very bad. Here it is shown in detail in the image of the canvas and portrayed in a photograph I took a few days later.

In the photo, the circular well in the cement behind the low gray building access to the shaft and the turbine hall, the yellow building higher the electrical box .

anything left, I said to myself, while I found myself on the edge of the well child, in which I could not quite get. My father took me with him on the back seat of his Gilera, when he had to do maintenance work, with other workers and idraulici.Io I had to stay on the grass and, from above, heard their voices and their calls echo in the bottom. The men wore mythological names from Greek and Roman epic: Paris, Enore, Aegisthus, Olinto, Dionisio. Some of the younger boast of nicknames are also somewhat legendary: the Giant, die cutting, Shearing.
For us, that we were their children, infants and children between the '40s and '60s, the work of the aqueduct and the epic stories told that these men were educated in life and is told in sentimenti.Come below, the "Vasconcelos" has just turned seventy years, and now no longer performs any function hydraulics, but in those decades was young and all the activity was still growing.

Next to the gigantic mushroom, in the corners of the wide fence enclosing it, there were two buildings that are still there, unchanged. Lived there three families of those architects of the city's water supply and for us, their children, boys and girls, seemed to live a great adventure. In the small building that combines
i due caseggiati, c’erano l’officina e il magazzino, cosicché il grande cortile brulicava di persone indaffarate e ferveva di lavoro.
Tutti noi bambini e ragazzi, prima o poi, e anche i nostri amici ed amiche, siamo saliti fin lassù, sulla terrazza più alta, ad ammirare uno splendido panorama.

Dall’album di famiglia: nelle due foto d’epoca, alcuni protagonisti di quella stagione sul tetto del “vascòn” e, sullo sfondo, una Fidenza molto diversa da quella di oggi (sono passati 70 anni e si vede)

Ora molte cose non ci sono più. Per esempio, la centrale di distribuzione «nuova» degli anni ’60, costruita in Corea, a fianco di Casa Rabaiotti, è stata abbattuta per far posto ad un palazzo che dà praticamente in strada.
La stessa costruzione d’avanguardia del serbatoio pensile, unica per l’originalità della forma, ha rischiato di essere demolita. Anche se, per fortuna, in tempi di telefonia mobile si rivela di nuovo utile e sul tetto brulicano le antenne.
Qualcosa è rimasto, dunque. Ma quel che rischia di scomparire è il ricordo e, oserei dire, il mito di quell’epoca e di quegli uomini, molti dei quali sono oggi scomparsi.
Un pensiero particolare vorrei dedicarlo al piccolo grande Olinto, detto familiarmente Olindo. Quando faceva the night shift, monitoring the machines, many of my evenings as a student passed the pre-teen in his company, listening to his wonderful and exciting stories.
Another great teacher, one of the youngest, was Dionysius, a poet and painter. He still lives in the same building where have I been up to twenty years and, best of me, could be the singer of that great season.
But I wonder: why, for example, do not put a plaque on Via Cairoli remember that the well No Fidenza an aqueduct? Among other things, are not even sure that the preservation of the site is impeccable. The green area of \u200b\u200bthe old complex is accessible to individuals from the rear. There a gap in the wire fence of the building of the parallel Via Pisacane No 6, which allows access (indicated by the arrow in photo below) in an area that should be public and still be a small historical heritage of all citizens. We have placed a small table and chairs which, even by satellite, looking good, are identified.

A well from which water flows is still a miracle of nature to be admired even when it has finished to perform its function.
The picture below gives an idea of \u200b\u200bliving expressed satisfaction that those authors "heroic" in the first municipal water supply and climate villagers adventurous and pioneering that characterized that era.

A photo of June 30, 1959: you test a well that has a capacity of 60 liters per second. At the center of the engineer Vittorio Chiapponi.

The director of civic until 1972, Mr. Vittorio Chiapponi, which appears in the photo, was also a witty writer and his great adventure that has a dedicated his book, which is now a bibliographical rarity: I sinquant ' Ani's "Vasconcelos" 1937-1987 leading eloquent as subtitle: "Short memories on water supply in Bicester.

And then I get more questions: why not use the premises abandoned workshop and warehouse of the old aqueduct, and on the same basis of the fungus, to create a kind of historical museum of the distribution of water in the Village?

In the photo, the base of the "mushroom", which was occupied by water filters and, in the basement, by the turbines. Behind the building down, the doors and two dark windows of the old workshop.

I cultivate an idea, however, more sock and, therefore, I fear, totally impractical for some economic or bureaucratic impediments. However, I ask it anyway: you could not use the tower as a tourist attraction and to pick up there, or even up to the railing you see in the picture below, those who want to enjoy the views of Bicester?

In the 50s and 60s, it happened that even school children were allowed to visit the entire complex and to experience the thrill of reaching the highest point of the tower.

Scolari in 1951 teenagers. In the background to the Via Emilia Parma

certainly what we would see now is not more beautiful than once, but retains the interesting aspects, despite the ravages and insults architectural and urban planning that, unfortunately, has not even be finished.