Monday, December 7, 2009

Braces Free On The Nhs At 17

Venice underwater

"Between now and 2100, Maldives goodbye. But also goodbye to a beautiful piece of Manhattan, a large part of London, Hong Kong, more than half Bangladesh. And of course Venice. all destined to end up under water, con buona parte delle coste di tutto il mondo, per un innalzamento generale del livello dei mari di quasi un metro e mezzo. È una previsione molto più pessimistica di quella ufficiale, formulata dall'Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, la commissione Onu sull'effetto serra, che si era fermata a meno della metà: 59 centimetri di innalzamento per fine secolo. Nello studio - Il cambio climatico in Antartide e l'ambiente - redatto da nove scienziati (fra cui l'italiano Guido Di Prisco), con il contributo di oltre 100 ricercatori, per conto del Comitato Scientifico Internazionale per la Ricerca Antartica, invece, si sostiene che i mari si alzeranno, di almeno 1,4 metri. Non si tratta di scienziati contro scienziati. Le previsioni dell'Ipcc, in fact, did not take into account the possible contribution of melting ice at the South Pole in raising seas. It does not take account for good reason: the frozen South Pole, on the whole, not breaking up. But the new study, called the first comprehensive report on the climate of Antarctica, solves this mystery, clearing the field by one of the favorite arguments of the skeptics of global warming, and warns that except Antarctica is destined to end very soon, with a devastating impact on the coasts and human health " (" It dissolves the South Pole, farewell Maldives in 100 years "by Maurizio Ricci, La Repubblica, December 7, 2009).

This is one of the inlets of the Venetian lagoon, where it is building the MOSE, the system of mobile barriers that should protect Venice from high. And 'huge and very expensive work, which you can get all the details by visiting SAL.VE .
Beyond real debate on the effectiveness of the work will be completed effectively, the news reported on totally puts into question the usefulness of quersto intervention, if not put in place other initiatives and actions, even daily, to reduce CO2 emissions. The new study claims that the seas will rise to five feet or less. The mobile barriers will raise sea level one meter. Already this is enough to give an idea of \u200b\u200bthe futility of certain projects that seek only to reverse the damage caused by misguided economic policies of global and local. Not only Moses but the same islands of the coast, you see in the picture and that protect the lagoon from the Adriatic Sea will be completely submerged!