Monday, November 24, 2008

Lorena Herrera Desnud Yahoo

MPA fights with PDL ... Break? And Sciacca?

MPA fights with PDL .
In Rome, Lombardo threatens to leave the majority of the country.

In Palermo the PDL against the MPA in both regional parliaments in the City Council of the capital where the mayor fired two Councillors Cammarata MPA. The UDC

except braces these days Ribera is always on the side of MPA.

If it were a complete break, and now that we are close to the launch of the budget, everything is possible ... What would happen? I think:

- MPA leaves the majority in Rome
- PDL leaves the majority in Palermo
- Lombardo will be the new majority with UDC and MPA PD

Sciacca E?
We will create a similar situation for the authorities?

If this happened? :

- The coalition opposed to Turturici could be a mixture of MPA and PD UDC
- The PD is in no position to focus on a candidate for mayor
- MPA already expressed a President of the Region and a provincial
- And the UDC is the only party that could deliver a Mayor. (Mannino has once again why?)

And if the Mayor will give the UDC, who would it be?
certainly can not say who will. That is,

- Ambrosetti working away from Sciacca and even if well prepared, many do not appreciate the character sometimes too grumpy
- Di Paola is not mannino it stands on the side of Turton as well Caruana, S. Bono and field, and by refusing the invitation of the former minister to stand in opposition to the mayor he can only dream
- Friscia
is unwilling to do so - the age when absence has Messina did for the first time the Mayor, and although loyalist Mannino, we are not in an era where space from the new
- Craparo has already made the Mayor of Sciacca, but Monza is so long ...

At this point, excluding the application of civil society that has little of politics, knows that the proposal of the candidate for mayor does not fall on a distinguished personality of the national culture! A
Salemi has been done, and Sgarbi is not to be thrown away as Mayor!

We'll see ... From everything that moves now seems clear that Turton has done, both because of its choices on the people (water privatization, no help to the carnival, you strike for Rocco Strong and no powers to strike for the thermal baths of the people scaccense), both for the internal strife within the PDL (see G. Bono and all directors of Cimino and not Marinello)

Sciacca What a beautiful ... you are not working and we do nothing all day, but there is always time to talk! Sciacchitano The political is an animal!

Monday, November 3, 2008

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's party

is great reading, suitable for many Fidenza confident in the "magnificent and progressive" del nostro borgo. Ho appena iniziato a leggerlo ed è davvero istruttivo o, se si vuole, sconvolgente. Parla soprattutto del "sacco della Liguria", ma lo si potrebbe, temo, ambientare tranquillamente anche qui da noi.

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concrete future objectives of the Party of cement ?

C’è una zona di Fidenza su cui i costruttori locali hanno sicuramente puntato gli occhi. È quella raffigurata nella foto satellitare tratta da Google :

Avete già capito qual è?
Al centro di essa ci sono degli edifici storici che hanno un valore architettonico e urbanistico notevole. Non solo: sono strettamente legati alla storia della città e al ricordo di many generations of villagers.
Have you guessed what it is?
Now I show them in detail in the next satellite photo.

You've certainly identified, right?
They are the old Don Bosco Oratory, closed for some time, and the Crystal Film, still active, until it threatened to resist coming to a multiplex device. The fear that they might fall on the devastating fury of cement is not at all unfounded. In the courtyard
played recreational, cultural, sporting and religious generations of kids. We also played the Fulgor, the prestigious basketball team villagers. Was held here in June Tournament of the bar, which also participated in basketball star of Serie A. That court again until after the mid-60s, was teeming with life and echoed sounds. The old Cinema
Donnino, modernized and renamed Crystal in the mid-60s, is the last surviving movie house in a town of 25,000 inhabitants. If you were to disappear, Bicester, in the alleged rush to modernize, it would make a step back almost a century.
Who can save the old chapel? Who can prevent the crystal slowly die? Enlightened administration? Entrepreneurs not only interested in profit but also to the preservation of historic della città? Associazioni di cittadini che si uniscono per salvare un pezzo della storia del Novecento e dell’attualità fidentina? Tutte queste realtà insieme, ammesso che esistano? Non lo so, ma di sicuro so che non vorrei vedere altre demolizioni e altre nuove palazzine più o meno signorili che sorgono dentro (e fuori) le mura del borgo medievale.
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